- Bowel cancer screening aims to detect bowel cancer at an early stage before symptoms have a chance to develop. Screening can also allow us to pick up pre-cancerous polyps before they turn into something more concerning.
- In England, you will be offered bowel bowel cancer screening every two years on the NHS between 60 and 74 years ( with the view to gradually expand this to include the over 50s)
- ******Interestingly, in the USA, the Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) recommends that screening should begin from the age of 45 and annually******
- Testing for bowel screening is not invasive. It involves providing a small sample of stool using a little stick and bottle (as shown in the diagram)
- Symptoms of bowel cancer can include:
- A change in your normal bowel habit - such as needing to go for a poo more often, or feeling like you haven't emptied your bowels properly.
- Bleeding from your bottom or blood in your poo.
- Losing weight when you haven't been trying to.
- A pain or lump in your tummy.
- Feeling a lot more tired than usual
- Whilst the above symptoms can be related to a number of different causes, if you do have any of the above symptoms, it is important to contact a health professional.
- As part of our Elite Wellbeing screen, all patients are screened for bowel cancer, regardless of age.